Our Credo

Like the women who marched in order to raise awareness of the
atrocities of violence against women and demanded women "Take Back the Night"; we believe it is time to;
We believe that the interventions being sold to and forced upon
women during their pregnancies and births by the predominately male medical
machine is a heinous form of violence against women and babies.
What is also
surprising to us is the fact that all too often, consumers are completely
unaware of their options, rights, and normal, natural physiological processes.
When did birth become a dangerous medical malady? When did women loose
faith in their ability to give birth to their babies?
I hope you will join us.
Please help to raise the awareness of women all
around you in your lives. Please pass this forum around in your birthing communities.

The national occurrence of Autism is currently one child in 166.
So many of you have heard this; but what is often left out is the
fact that approximately 12 years ago, the rate of occurrence of the
same diagnosis was one child in 125,000!

From my own
observations in my work as an assistant in the sensory learning institute,Nature's New Hope Sensory Learning, LLC. and my
work as a hypnotherapist and my 20+ years as a birth groupie
midwife, I am willing to open my mouth and scream to the entire
world this fact: The commonplace use of synthetic opiates in labor,
ie-EPIDURALS and the all too commonplace occurrence of
non-emergency C- Sections, along with the most ridiculous
artificial inductions of labor (for the convenience of doctors, ah the
daytime birth), is a major contributing factor to this epidemic. There, I said it. And there
is no part of me, and you really, that doesn’t believe this.

Who would condone a pregnant woman getting injections of Demerol,
or any other synthetic opiate while she was pregnant? No one! Why drug women in labor?

Here is another little piece of the puzzle; Ever try to pick a green apple? I
mean one that isn’t ripe. It’s hard to pull and sometimes you have
to get a sharp object , like a knife to cut it from the tree. Apples fall
from the tree when they are ripe and ready; hormones are
released from the apple which signals the tree to let it’s ripe fruit
Your baby is the apple, your body is the tree. BABIES COME WHEN THEY ARE READY.

Now that you have found our Blog site, we hope you will join in with any
stories of your own births or those of your children or friends and
acquaintances. We hope you will question this movement and why we are so passionate about inhibiting medical interventions during pregnancy and labor.
We hope you will join us in ending this barbaric treatment of mothers and babies during birth.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ina May Wants You, and we all do too

Join the MAMA Campaign, it's painless and easy- Thanks